I’ll never forget learning to ride horses and camels. Now I can officially say I’ve ridden an elephant too! I thought riding a camel was scary, but when riding an elephant you literally sit on the top of their heads! The best part was when I first got on, the guys kept telling me to move up and I thought, ‘Omgosh I am going to fall forward and the elephants going to squash me!’

I visited an elephant camp in Chiang Mai about an hour a half outside of the city. It was an early day, as they pick you up at around 8am. The camp has been around for over 15 years it’s called Mahout’s Elephant Training Camp. I chose this camp because it was recommended from a friend who said they treated the elephants good. I can absolutely agree with that!

Lunch was provided. Because this is a whole day thing in the middle of nowhere! I don’t remember how much I paid, but I believe it was 2400BAHT which is $68.00 USD.

Okay I will let you see for yourself! Check out my video below…

(Also, please feel free to share any advice. I appreciate the advice I’ve already received from people about editing and wanting to hear me speak more.)
