Travel Articles
Reasons Why You Should Travel Solo (Even If The Truth Isn’t Pretty!)
First time I ever went abroad I traveled to Europe. Being that I am from the east coast (USA) heading to Europe is much more feasible than heading to Asia. Where as if you live in Australia it's just way cheaper [...]
Here Is My Little Note For 2016 & Some Goals
Hey hey! Greetings from down under guys. I'm officially settled in (for the time being in Sydney) and I just wanted to share a little side note. I didn't send this post out before New Years, because I was reflecting [...]
10 Months & 36 Things I’ve Done Outside of My Comfort Zone
Wow. 10 months. Can't even believe it's been that long already. I remember this time last year, I was still working and living my corporate/salary lifestyle, but secretly preparing to leave it behind for my backpack and a budget. I [...]
Angkor Wat In A Day!- Vblog- Cambodia
Hello Everyone! Status Update: I am currently settling in down under aka AUSTRALIA!! I've finished my back packing trip through SE Asia and I'm in Sydney, Australia where I plan to call this 'home base' for awhile. I can't wait [...]
Yoga Makes Me Emotional- Day Two Of My LBW YogaLife Tour Vblog
Yoga makes me emotional! Haha No, but seriously I think it does. Or maybe it's because I got over the jet lag and realized where I was. Here is the latest video blog from my last day with LBW YogaLife [...]
First Day of LBW YogaLife Tour Vblog #1 – Krabi, Thailand
By no means am I a yogi! In fact, if I am honest, I've probably done yoga a total of 3-5 times before joining this amazing YogaLife Tour from Life Before Work. I wanted to video blog my experience to [...]
A Day With Elephants In Chiang Mai, Thailand
I'll never forget learning to ride horses and camels. Now I can officially say I've ridden an elephant too! I thought riding a camel was scary, but when riding an elephant you literally sit on the top of their heads! [...]
Hello From Thailand!- Vblog #1
Hello hello! Its been a full week since I've arrived in SE Asia and between guesthouses, hostels, street food, learning to ride a motorbike, and temple watching, it's been pretty busy and epic! I can't express enough how much fun [...]
Lonely or Alone? How I Really Feel When I Travel Solo
I was recently asked during a blog interview if I ever feel lonely or alone, when traveling solo. It's usually the one question I always get asked the most: "Aren't you lonely, don't you feel scared traveling alone? I could never [...]
A Traveler’s Lifestyle- It Isn’t For Everyone
Being a traveler is a lifestyle. To be honest, it's something I came to terms with recently. I've realized it more since I've been home, especially since I am headed out again soon. And it isn't for everyone! In the [...]
Lifestyle Articles
Lonely or Alone? How I Really Feel When I Travel Solo
I was recently asked during a blog interview if I ever feel lonely or alone, when traveling solo. It's usually the one question I always get asked the most: "Aren't you lonely, don't you feel scared traveling alone? I could never [...]
6 Things I’ve Learned About Travel Blogging (The Cold Hard Truth)
Before I decided to leave my cubical life. I had been warned that blogging is hard and travel blogging is even harder. I didn't think to much of it! Just to be clear: My travel blog is only 6 months [...]
A Traveler’s Lifestyle- It Isn’t For Everyone
Being a traveler is a lifestyle. To be honest, it's something I came to terms with recently. I've realized it more since I've been home, especially since I am headed out again soon. And it isn't for everyone! In the [...]
8 Go-To Apps For Traveling
With August almost approaching, and with almost everyone planning their last-minute summer get-a-away trips. I wanted to share with you guys my 8 go-to apps for traveling! Everyone's always asking me if I have any tips for booking cheap flights [...]
My Surfing Trips
After returning from Dominican Republic and learning to surf, all I've been thinking about is surfing! (Seriously, what is wrong with me!) Haha It's not like I was outrageously good and I can be a pro surfer. Haha! Anyways... I've decided [...]
What I Appreciate The Most- My Family
I've mentioned in other blog posts, especially after El Camino, that I missed my family. I am a big family girl. I mean I am half Cuban (it's a cultural thing)! I am guilty of constantly messaging them on a [...]
The Lady Travelers Who Inspire- My Top 5 Travel Bloggers
Ever wonder how I got inspired to do what I do now? Well here is a list of my top 5 favorite travel bloggers.... *Please read with caution as these ladies will inspire you to get up and travel. 🙂 [...]
My First Time Surfing & How I Fell In Love
I’ve never surfed in my life, but it’s been a dream since I was a kid! So when my girl (Patricia) at World Wide Travel told me about Macao Surf Camp, and invited me for a day of surfing and traditional food. [...]