Travel Posts2017-09-14T05:33:58-04:00


The Lady Travelers Who Inspire- My Top 5 Travel Bloggers

By |June 9th, 2015|Lifestyles, Spain, Travel Posts|

Ever wonder how I got inspired to do what I do now? Well here is a list of my top 5 favorite travel bloggers.... *Please read with caution as these ladies will inspire you to get up and travel. 🙂 5.Young Adventuress Young Adventuress Founded by Liz.  Want a good honest laugh? Read her posts she's funny and (my favorite) sarcastic. What I like about her the most is her honesty and how clearly you can see that. I believe she is currently on my side of the world and in the same country, Spain. Liz quit her job too and just decided [...]

Here’s To The Red, White, and Blues- Social Impact in Dominican Republic

By |June 3rd, 2015|Caribbean, Dominican Republic, Travel Posts|

Happy (soon to be) 4th of July America! As I was writing this post I realized I haven't been in the U.S. for the past two years for the 4th of July! I was in Colombia (2014) and Spain (2013). While I was writing this I realized how thankful I am to be living where I am today and to know I am able to give back to those in need. I am very proud of where I am from. America is a beautiful country and traveling has definitely made me appreciate that. One of the main purposes of my blog is to try [...]

My First Time Surfing & How I Fell In Love

By |June 3rd, 2015|Caribbean, Dominican Republic, Surfing, Travel Posts|

I’ve never surfed in my life, but it’s been a dream since I was a kid! So when my girl (Patricia) at World Wide Travel told me about Macao Surf Camp, and invited me for a day of surfing and traditional food. How could a girl say 'no'? haha Macao Surf Camp (left to right)- Myself, Rafael, and World Wide Travel (Patricia)- Macao Surf Camp On Wednesday morning I arrived at my hotel lobby to find Macao's Surf Camp Van waiting for me to take me to Macao Beach for my lessons. They usually provide this service for all their customers. As [...]

What I Learned from Walking to Santiago

By |May 15th, 2015|Spain, Travel Posts|

It’s been over a week since I’ve been back from my walk and into ‘reality’ mode I now find myself reflecting on my thoughts and where I stand at this very moment in my life. Bare with me… What did this walk mean to me? Did I ‘find myself’? Did I find my purpose? Did I solve third world problems? Well, truthfully, no. I felt like I had to do the Camino to allow myself to just reflect and organize my thoughts. First off I knew who I was, which is why I did this walk. I knew I was going to finish, because [...]

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